Wednesday, October 3, 2012


We got some statistics in class the other day that I found very interesting. One of them is that family work does more to bring families together than family vacation. The reason of this is because when you are on vacation, you get a preconceived idea that you can relax and do whatever you want. Most of the time, however, that is not the case because you are with other people and they all have ideas of what they want to do. Family work brings you to a common goal. When you're working together, you're interacting and I know some of my favorite times growing up was when we all had to go outside and do yard work together or work on a huge project, because it was bonding time.

There was also a new study published. The article will get put up today so I'll post it for anyone who wants to read the research and stuff. It was very interesting. It was research on adults after they had grown up and what kind of lifestyle they had growing up. So they took a bunch of adults and had them in different sections of the room based on if they had an intact biological family (meaning mom and dad), grew up in a single parent household, divorced household, or lesbian household. Then they were asked a bunch of questions. There is a bunch of research, but the few we focused on today in class were the differences between growing up in an intact biological household, or a lesbian household. What they found, was that growing up in a lesbian household actually did have a bunch of negative effects that went into adulthood. A lot of the studies done to see whether there is a difference or not is done by asking the parents of the children, or still asking the child as they're growing up. This one was done once they were grown. What they found was that you were 2x more likely to be employed if you came from an intact family. You were 12x more likely to be touched inappropriately by an adult if you grew up in a lesbian home, and you were 4x more likely to have your sexual orientation be homosexual if you grew up in a lesbian home. This may seem stupid to point out, but what interested me so much about it is because people have said that even if you grow up in a same gender household, you're not any more likely to become homosexual, when clearly that's not the case.

Side note. I was talking about the institution of marriage in a couple posts back, and there is a law in Mexico City where you can only be married for 2 years. After two years your contract is up, and you can either renew it and stay married, or you can call it quits. How sad is that? It's to cut down on divorce rates, so you go into it knowing in 2 years you're done if you want to be. So sad.

This is a link to some research done about the research of same-sex parenting. It's only a couple pages, and VERY interesting. (Let me know if it won't work.. because it's from my school site I may have to be logged in in order for it to show..)


  1. That's very interesting and should be more widely published. The link does not work without a BYU-I id.

  2. Here's my comment to prove that I have been reading your blog...
