Saturday, November 3, 2012

Physical Intimacy

This week we talked about physical intimacy in class. I'm not going to go into details all about this, but I did want to touch on a few things. Men and women are wired differently when it comes to arousal and so it was said how before marriage you are taught that you need to have self control. Well this is a really important thing to learn for after marriage to. That sounds wrong, but it's true because since men and women get aroused differently you have to be willing to have self control of your desires so you can both feel pleasure. Marriage takes a lot of selfish behavior away, if you are happy. I don't think you can be genuinely happy in a marriage without being selfless and always wanting what's best for your spouse. If you're still really selfish in your marriage I guarantee your spouse isn't as happy. 

There's a circle. It's interesting because women tend to need safety and security before they can be physically intimate while men need sex in order to feel secure and safe. My teacher pointed out that a lot of times girls think guys only think about sex and that's all they want, but it can be true that guys want sex in order to feel close to their spouse and since it's different for girls it can get complicated at times. The most important sex organ is your brain. If you don't feel good in your brain you can't have a satisfying experience.

1 comment:

  1. As Elder Simpson said when he sealed us: "Marriage is not a 50-50 proposition. Each of you should be aiming to do 70% of the work."

    On intimacy: it is the responsibility of each partner to learn what makes their partner happy and to communicate their own needs to their partner. We also have the responsibility to learn to enjoy this intimacy...
